Observations of a Catholic

The Official Blog of BIG PULPIT & FŒDVS

We Need Your Support

Salve readers!

I last mentioned that I was undergoing orthoscopic surgery to repair my rotator cuff in my right shoulder.  This injury, to the best of my knowledge, was done participating in CYO sports when I attended St. Theresa School in Kekaha, Kauai during my youth.  The injury was minor, but over time, it slowly and steadily progressed until the pain became unbearable.

I discovered this increase in ‘pain’ when I joined the Arrows Rugby Football Club here in Houston.  After a couple of weeks of practice, old sports injuries resurfaced or got worse.  Fortunately, I have an excellent primary care physician who has been referring me to the best doctors and surgeons in Houston.

The picture above in this post is me immediately following the orthoscopic surgery.  Two of my four tendons have been repaired and are on the mend.  I face about five months of physical therapy.

This Newman blog will become more active as time passes, especially in regards to important events in the Church.

Please pray for the Little Vatican apostolate that supports all the online publications in addition to my beautiful bride and myself.

We, Little Vatican, are going to take our fundraising drive up a notch.  I am very appreciative of the donations that have been streaming in this current calendar year.

This Newsman blog is under the umbrella of Little Vatican.  Newsman is the official blog of both Big Pulpit and FŒDVS, both of which are also under the Little Vatican umbrella, along with The American Catholic, Catholic Stand, Ignitum Today, and One Mad Mom.

Our goal is to reach monthly donations of $2,000.  At this moment we are at $64.55 of monthly donations.

Aggregately, all of the Little Vatican apostolates have a visitor count of about 300,000 unique visitors-a-month.  If only 400 of those 300,000 would subscribe to Little Vatican by donating just $5-a-month, we can easily reach our goal!

In addition, subscribers who donate on a monthly basis $20-a-month will have a complimentary weekly video commentary of me, Tito Edwards, addressing the top stories in the Catholic Church around the world.  This is exclusively for those donating $20-a-month!

I have upgraded our donations capability so you can use a more secure and easier process to donate online.  You no longer need to use PayPal as I have adopted RaiseDonors as my financial tool to receive donations.  So now you all can either use a credit card, a bank account, or even mail in a check!  But if you want to use PayPal, just click on the donate button following this paragraph.

Below is the form for those that don’t use PayPal, so please pray and consider supporting Little Vatican by donating a monthly payment!

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I would love to give but I only trust PayPal based on my experience of other forms of giving.
Tito, God grant you healing and strength!